Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Call for Intuitive EMRs

Here (A Call for Intuitive EMRs) is a nice article that helps explain BlenderHouse's existence.  The article calls for EMR 2.0 where EMR's are intuitive, proactive and anticipatory.  EMR vendors want to deliver software with intuitive interfaces and intelligent workflows. They just don't know how.  And in today's market, driven by meaningful use criteria, they don't have time to learn.  

The downside?  As the article notes "No one will feel that pressure more than physicians being asked to do even more than they do today. Even when they learn how to navigate all those new check boxes and unintuitive workflows".  The physicians are feeling the brunt of the industries inability to deliver tools that actually make their lives easier and their work more enjoyable.  Isn't that the goal of technological advancement in the first place?

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